Saturday, August 10, 2013

The art of criticism

First of all I would like to thank the tens of thousands of readers who have downloaded my books, you are a wonderful audience and I appreciate you all.
Like all authors I am distressed when typos sneak into books in the production process, so I am producing second editions of all books to eliminate typos and errors, albeit the main complaints were about the Kindle edition of 48 Hours whereas the 'Smashwords' version on other e-readers seems to be OK.
When a reader said it was littered with errors I was horrified but I could only fine 72 errors in over 100,000 words, nonetheless, I am still grateful for constructive criticism.
To the Amazon readers who made other comments I will attempt to deal with them in my future books:

"There isn't enough romance!" 
OK, I'll see what I can do without turning it into a Mills & Boon.
"I would have liked to see at least one Vampire!" 
This may not be an entirely serious comment but who knows where I go next.
"There is too much detail/not enough research!" 
Contradictions are tricky, I do around six months of research for each book, speak to experts, rely on academic texts, visit settings and try techniques that I mention. As far as I can see everything works as it should.
"The police procedures are inaccurate!"
Actually each book has a police adviser and I myself have a degree which includes criminal law. The truth is that complex cases take months to unravel, sometimes years and no reader would have the patience for that and so I write with 'some steps removed for clarity' as Apple is wont to say.
"Anyone wearing a cheap suit would stand out like a sore thumb in the City"
True Story from 2012: I had been wearing my expensive suits in a long running case and I never heard a word of praise. I spilled my hotel breakfast over my expensive suit and had less than an hour before the hearing. I had to wear a 'reserve' suit I bought from Tesco for 45 pounds. I was complimented on the suit twice in one morning.
"If I had paid for the book I would have asked for my money back!"
That one stung a bit, I have to admit, but these books are pretty accurately described in the 'blurb' and downloading books just because they are on offer is not always a good idea. Download on content and if the book doesn't work for you, move on. Life is too short to spend reading novels you do not like.

Fiction is, in the end, not factual, but it does have to be convincing and so I will try to ensure that believability continues to be at the heart of my writing.

I remain grateful to every reader who sends wonderful emails of praise and to every critic who helps me perfect my art. I will do all that I can to make my books accessible and low in price.