Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Beginning

Dear blog reader, it has been a difficult month or so for me as an author. I have been writing since 1994 under my real name and under pseudonyms Tom Spencer (Final Whistle - football thriller) and Jack Daniels (48hrs, Chameleon, Fogarty - City of London Thriller series) and selling books well in Kindle format. But all is not well, it seems that my fellow authors with similar names, or even similar character names believe readers are too dim to know the difference between me and them.
To cut a long story short I have dropped the pen names Tom Spencer and Jack Daniels to appease my fellow authors and their agents. All of my books are now re-released with my name at the top of each book, J Jackson Bentley. The J is for Jeffery if anyone is interested.
Please look out for my books which are now being reduced in price to say thank you to my readers for being patient and understanding. 75p a book, you can afford to take a chance on that. Go on, you know you want to.


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