Thursday, February 6, 2014

Moving On

In the past few months I have done an extraordinary amount of research, more than ever before in fact, and all for a novel based around the Dubai World Cup Race.
To be honest finding a major event in Dubai as a background for a thriller is not difficult. I could have chosen from the International Tennis Campionships, the Jazz Festival, the Grand Prix, the Race for Dubai Golf, the World Sky Diving championships and many more events. Only yesterday half of Dubai was closed off for a cycling event called the Tour of Dubai, today the other half of Dubai is closed off for the same reason. It is an exciting place and there are a great many distractions, too many for an author who shiould be writing.
Last week I went to lunch at TGI Fridays with my editor to inform her that I was in the midst of writing last chapter of Lure of the Falcon, when the Crown Prince came in and sat down beside us with a single bodyguard in attendance and ordered cheesy nachos and a steak. A little while ago I was at an event and the Ruler, Sheik Mohammed also turned up, unexpectedly I understand. I was speaking recently at a conference organised and sponsored by another Crown Prince. This is a small Emirate that has international recognition, it is only 4,114 square kilometres, about the size of greater Manchester.
I must admit that I do like the idea of waking up in the morning and knowing that it is going to be sunny, we have les than 10 rainy 'days' a year and many of those have less than a hour of rain. I miss England and the greenery but, all in all, Dubai is fun and not any more expensive than London.
My new book is the second Emirate of Dubai thriller and I intend to move on with my next offering which will probably be written entirely in the USA.
This is where my readers come in. I have three Amazon Singles outlines sizzling nicely on the back burner, they are:
a) A City of London Thriller involving Max Richmond ghost writing a memoir and stumbling across the mysterious disappearance of an old lover of an Ex Prime Minister.
b) A City of London Thriller explaining how Dee Conrad came to be involved in private detection, whilst solving an enigmatic puzzle of how a dead man regrew a missing testicle before he died.
c) A City of Houston Thriller that follows two of the main characters from Lure of the Falcon as they go back to the US and are obliged to solve a number of murders before they fall prey to the killer.
If any reader has a preference for which one they would like to see me write first please let me know and I will set to work on the most popular suggestion. All three will be around 50,000 words and I hope all will be free, but that is sometimes a problem with Amazon.
I am sitting waiting at my keyboard.


  1. I would go for a. Max Richmond one.
    Have recently come across your books on amazon and have read two now. I am also living in Dubai so am enjoying your books that are set here.

  2. Write another book involving anti-hero Gillian Miles, she was awesome. Great work, love your books!

  3. Can you tell me if you sell paperback books by J Jackson Bentley?? I want to buy Final Whistle but can only find it on Kindle,

  4. That's a great questio. For me, the novel about Dee Conrad would be a must-read and so I hope you choose that one.

    I've just "found you" and have thoroughly enjoyed 48 hours: A city of London Thriller.
    Keep them coming!
